Accents of the Jubilee Exhibition KITF 2015
On April 22-24 in Almaty, specialists from travel industry come together at the International Exhibition KITF 2015 that will take place in Kazakhstan Centre of Business Cooperation "Atakent" for the 15th time.
The jubilee exhibition KITF 2015 presents more than 500 participants from 39 countries of the world. The peculiar feature of KITF 2015 is the record participation of exhibitors from hotel business.
22 countries participate with their national stands: Azerbaijan, Hungary, Georgia, the Dominican Republic, India, Jordan, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Cuba, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Morocco, UAE, Russia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, the Czech Republic.
This year a group stand of our official partner country at KITF 2015, Malaysia, is personally presented by Minister of Culture and Tourism of Malaysia Mr. Dato Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz.
Traditionally, the most extended display represented by 16 regional offices of tourism, including such cities as Almaty and Astana, will present the Kazakh domestic tourism focused on the competitive advantage. The general display of KITF 2015 is opened with a stand of the Department of Tourism Industry of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Only during the KITF 2015, the unique visit propositions are ready including info tours to a national nature park "Altyn-Emel" (Tourism administration of Almaty Region together with State National Nature Park "Altyn-Emel"), Big Almaty Lake with a trip to the unique tourist attraction – State National Nature Park of Ili-Alaut (Tourist Association of Kazakhstan).
National travel companies, working for increasing the service quality in the domestic tourism, will demonstrate specialized booking programs and systems for hotels and sanatorium-and-resort institutions. Local airline companies will ensure both international and inner flights offering the best prices and schedules.
KITF, as the largest tourist exhibition in Kazakhstan, always demonstrates the latest trends and news in tourism industry. It is for the first time when exhibitors within KITF 2015 will present subjects of culinary, event and extreme tourism. Barmen show will take place embracing the presented subjects. Novelties of the season are Crimea, Abu Dhabi and Ras al-Khaimah.
The official partner of KITF 2015 is the international hotel chain Cornelia.
The Jubilee Exhibition KITF 2015, apart from novelties in tourism industry, profitable solutions and special propositions, will offer informative seminars and training programs. But besides the intense business activity, the exhibition is distinguished by splendour and visual appeal: the participants traditionally demonstrate folk crafts, tastings and presentations on their stands.
KITF organizers: exhibition companies Iteca (Kazakhstan) and ITE Group Plc (Great Britain) with the official support of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of Almaty and UNWTO (Special Agency of the UN).
The official website of KITF 2015 is
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