23rd Kazakhstan International Exhibition «Tourism & Travel»

23-25 April 2025

KITF 2025


We invite you from April 23 to 25, 2025 to the 23rd Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Tourism and Travel" KITF, which will be held at the Atakent KCDS at 42 Timiryazev St., Almaty, Kazakhstan.

AstanaBuild - самое крупное строительное событие Центрального и Северного Казахстана. Большой интерес к выставке объясняется тем фактом, что AstanaBuild создает деловую атмосферу для более чем 2,500 профессионалов строительной отрасли, которые ежегодно посещают это мероприятие.

Выставка  AstanaBuild – является эффективным рабочим инструментом для поддержания и расширения сотрудничества казахстанских и зарубежных компаний, а также обмена опытом и привлечения инвестиций на строительный рынок Республики Казахстан.

Приглашаем Вас с  19 по 21 мая 2021 года на 22-ю Казахстанскую Международную строительную и интерьерную выставку  AstanaBuild, которая пройдет в выставочном центре «Корме» по адресу: г.Нур-Султан, ул.Достык, 3.

Время работы выставки:

  • 19 мая 11:00 – 18:00
  • 20 мая 10:00 – 18:00
  • 21 мая 10:00 – 16:00

Официальная церемония открытия выставки состоится 19 мая в 11:00 в галерее выставочного центра «Корме»

Main Facts about exhibition:

  • Kazakhstan International Exhibition KITF has been held since the year of 2001. Nowadays, the Exhibition serves as a wide-ranging professional platform for the touristic industry of the whole Central Asian Region and is justly considered to be the pinnacle event of the touristic sector of Kazakhstan. Leading experts of the exhibition industry have assigned KITF with the reputable quality mark - UFI Approval (from the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry) for the conformity with the global standards of B2B platforms.

  • Numerous international events take place under the auspices of KITF, such as signing memorandums, agreements and interstate programs on the regional and cross-border cooperation as well as holding republican meetings, plenary sessions, road-shows, seminars, presentations and other specialized activities, which demonstrates the high efficiency of the Exhibition for the touristic market of both Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

  • Annually, KITF shows positive developments and consistent dynamics of growth which is also a certain indicator of the overall market of the touristic services. Over 19 years of its existence, the Exhibition has been attended by companies and organizations from 63 countries of the world. It is here where international and local companies evaluate the needs of the market and key preferences of the customers, come to know their competitors, find new effective business instruments and envisage strategies for their further development.

KITF Key Sections

  • International Tourism
  • Domestic Travels
  • Medical and Healthcare Tourism
  • MICE – Business Tourism
  • Property Abroad

KITF Exhibitors:

  • Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
  • Air Companies and Air Travel Agencies
  • National and Regional Touristic Organizations
  • Hotel Services Providers
  • Healthcare and Medical Centers
  • IT-developers and IT-providers in Tourism
  • Real Estate Abroad Companies
  • Other Service Providers of the Touristic Industry