23rd Kazakhstan International Exhibition «Tourism & Travel»

23-25 April 2025

The Dominican Republic gets high marks for the quality of services

The Central Bank of the country declared some statistics received from the tourists within the traditional survey held in 2014.


According to it, 62% of the foreign visitors estimated the quality of services in the country between «excellent» and «very good». 30,8% find them «good» while only 0,6% described them as «bad». Among the services that got the highest marks there are the quality of food, beach infrastructure, cleanness, quality of the hotels and entertainment programs

Good marks were received for the airports infrastructure and the quality of the air routes.

As for the price level, 72,6% of respondents found them affordable, 14,2% low; while only 11,3% called them high or very high.

The survey showed that the main sources of information that helped the tourists to select the Dominican Republic as the country for vacation, were friends opinion (32,8%); travel agencies (37,8%); internet (18,3%).

Thus, the main reasons to visit the Dominican Republic, in decreasing order are:
Quality of beaches (31,4%); comfortable climate (17,9%); hospitality of people (13,6%); friends and relatives opinion (10,7%); affordable prices (9,2%); historical heritage (0,6%); cultural riches (1,8%)

Source of the information: www.visitdominicanrepublic.ru

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