Welcome Letters 2012
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, I am pleased to welcome you to KITF 2012, the 12th Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair.
In Kazakhstan, like in the majority of world countries, the tourism industry is considered to be a key factor for successful economic development.
In the 20 years since Kazakhstan became independent, its president Nursultan Nazarbayev has paid close attention to the development of the tourism industry not only as a part of economy, but also as a factor that will make Kazakhstan carve a niche among leading countries.
Developing the tourism industry has become one of the main themes in this year’s Presidential Letter, and the Government is planning a number of large scale projects in this area, concerning the development of large resorts in Almaty, Akmoly, Eastern Kazakhstan, Mangistau, and other regions.
In Kazakhstan, a country with a rich culture, unique history, beautiful nature and a favourable business climate, the potential of the tourism industry is very high, and this is evident by the increasing number of tourists coming to Kazakhstan every year.
KITF is definitely a key tool for strengthening the tourism industry. This international forum makes Kazakhstan attractive for the world services and investors, and improves Kazakhstan’s appeal as a centre for tourism.
I would like to wish all the exhibitors and visitors every success at the event.
Minister for Industry and New Technologies
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
On behalf of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who, this year, included the tourism industry into his sphere of supervision, I am pleased to welcome you to the 12th Kazakhstan International Tourism Exhibition KITF 2012 - "Travel and Tourism»!
The tourism industry in the world is considered to be one of the leading non-productive areas of the economy. In our Republic tourism industry is segregated in a separate cluster, and identified as one of the economic development priorities of the country's economy among the other seven non-mineral extraction areas.
Over the 20 years of independence the Republic of Kazakhstan managed to build a fundament for domestic tourism industry to develop internal as well as international tourism and optimize cooperation in the sphere of tourism with the leading countries of the world.
Currently the domestic tourism base is developing. A number of promising projects were implemented in the framework of Sectoral Development Programs. In order to implement the instructions specified in the Letter of the President and for the purpose of development of tourism industry in Kazakhstan we have planned to develop systematic plans in most priority areas. The main objective of developing such plans is to maximize the tourist flow with minimal impact on the environment, as well as to develop existing tourism infrastructure by improving the range and quality of services provided.
KITF Travel Fair has been one of the most successful projects for 12 years implemented in the framework of formation of the tourism industry, aimed at developing the tourism cluster and attracting a growing number of global providers of tourist services and investors to our country.
Development of industrial projects and professional activities of the industry, such as KITF exhibition, will ensure further development of domestic tourism, establish a network of tourist facilities, and improve the country's image and tourist attractiveness of Kazakhstan for the world economy members and tourists around the world.
I'm sure this year's exhibition event - KITF 2012 - will be held at a high level, and will make a significant contribution to the tourism cluster of the country.
I sincerely wish all visitors of the exhibition to find interesting meetings, future contracts and fruitful work at the exhibition and in the tourism market of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
First Vice-ministery of Industry and New Technologies
In recent years, Turkey becomes one of the leading destinations of the world thanks to its natural beauties, historical and cultural values besides its tourism infrastructure. Our country that provides quality products and quality service to its guests by means of its blue flag beaches, marinas and hotels, is also hosting the archeological and historical heritage of many civilizations. Nowadays, Turkey is not preferred just as a sea-sand-sun destination. Thanks to its cultural, religion, health, thermal, winter and golf tourism facilities, it is providing the possibility of having holiday in 12 months of a year. With its said features, in 2010, Turkey ranked seventh in the list of the countries that attract the highest number of tourists in the world and in 2011 it hosted 31 million tourists by achieving an increase of 10% in the number of tourists. In recent years, great interest from Kazakhstan to our country is also pleasing us. In 2010, an increase of 27.5% had been realized in Kazakhstan market and approximately 316.000 kazakhstani visited our country. I hope that such interest would continue and gradually increase in the next years.
What makes the tourism sector different from other sectors is its feature of being an industry that ensures social, cultural and political collaboration among the communities besides its economical function. International tourism fairs are among the most important tools that give opportunity to countries for introducing their tourism products and cultures. in this context, I am really pleased with participating to the kazakhstan international fair that has a special important for the republic of Turkey, mınıstry of culture and tourısm, as the first partner country. I believe that, on this opportunity, our guests from Kazakhstan would get the chance to know the tourism and cultural values of our country and for this purpose, I invite you to visit the partner country, Turkey stand and become our guest this year also.
With these feelings and thoughts, I express my thanks to all Kazakhstan people who prefer Turkey as a holiday destination, to the executives of the kitf Kazakhstan tourism fair who took place in this organization and also to those who contributed.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the World Tourism Organization, the specialized UN agency in the field of tourism, with 154 Member States and 400 Affiliate Members, I would like to welcome all participants, organizers and guests to the 12th Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair “KITF 2012”.
The global financial crisis of 2008/09 constituted a major setback for the global economy and the international tourism sector was not spared. Nevertheless, tourism was one of the first economic sectors to recover, demonstrating its resilience in times of crisis. Tourism represents today a major socio-economic driver all around the globe, accounting for 5% of the world’s GDP, 30% of the total exports of services and one in twelve jobs globally. It is proven that those regions who invest in tourism will profit in the long term from increasingly globalized tourism flows and stable development perspectives that encompass all sectors of the population.
Kazakhstan is one of the fastest growing economies of Central Asia. In 2010, GDP grew by 5.4% and it is expected that by the end of 2011 growth rates will topple the 6%-mark. Regional trade fairs help consolidate such perspectives. They act as a major sales and marketing platform and are a global hub for the travel trade to network, market and conduct business. It is with great satisfaction that we observe the continuous progress of KITF and its positioning as the largest international tourism and travel exhibition fair in Kazakhstan. The country is in an excellent position to influence tourism decision-making due to its location on the Silk Road, its modern infrastructure and its ability to host high level international meetings, such as the successful Winter Asian Games Asiada 2011 and the Astana Economic Forum.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that UNWTO is proud to be able to count upon Kazakhstan as a partner for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.
I wish the participants of the 12th Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair every success and productive work!
Zoltán Somogyi
Executive Director
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I am delighted to welcome all the exhibitors and visitors of KITF 2012, the 12th Kazakhstan International Tourism Fair.
It is encouraging to note that the event attracts an ever larger number of exhibitors every year, and that it provides both a powerful impetus to Kazakhstan’s tourism industry and an excellent opportunity for the presentation of its latest achievements. The event also enables exhibitors to present educational and health tours to destinations around the world, including those which offer unique opportunities for relaxation, therapy and treatment, hunting, climbing, skiing and ice skating. The inimitable charm and unique character of Kazakhstan’s landscape and the renowned hospitality and friendliness of its diverse people gives the country a strong appeal in the eyes of visitors.
I would like to wish all the exhibitors and visitors of KITF 2012 every success in their work and holidays.
Yuri Shkurupiy
Deputy Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Head of Trade Representation Department in Almaty